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[Del22] Delgado, M., IntPic, A package for drawing integers, Version 0.3.0 (2022)
(GAP package).

[DLM22] Delgado, M., Linton, S. and Morais, J. J., Automata, A package on automata, Version 1.15 (2022)
(Refereed GAP package).

[EH16] Easdown, D. and Hendriksen, M., Minimal permutation representations of semidirect products of groups, Journal of Group Theory, 19 (6) (2016), 1017--1048.

[ENH20] Eick, B., Nickel, W. and Horn, M., Polycyclic, Computation with polycyclic groups, Version 2.16 (2020)
(Refereed GAP package), \href {} {\texttt{}\discretionary {}{}{}\texttt{polycyclic/}}.

[EP88] Easdown, D. and Praeger, C. E., On minimal faithful permutation representations of finite groups, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 38 (2) (1988), 207--220.

[FP20] Fernandes, M. E. and Piedade, C. A., Faithful permutation representations of toroidal regular maps, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, Springer, 52 (3) (2020), 317--337.

[FP21a] Fernandes, M. E. and Piedade, C. A., Correction to “Faithful permutation representations of toroidal regular maps”, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, Springer, 54 (2021), 733--738.

[FP21b] Fernandes, M. E. and Piedade, C. A., The degrees of toroidal regular proper hypermaps, The Art of Discrete and Applied Mathematics, 4 (3) (2021), P3--13.

[FP22] Fernandes, M. E. and Piedade, C. A., The Degrees of Regular Polytopes of Type [4, 4, 4], SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, SIAM, 36 (2) (2022), 1143--1155.

[GH22] Gutsche, S. and Horn, M., AutoDoc, Generate documentation from GAP source code, Version 2022.10.20 (2022)
(GAP package).

[Hor19] Horn, M., PackageMaker, A GAP package for creating new GAP packages, Version 0.9.3 (2019)
(GAP package).

[Joh71] Johnson, D. L., Minimal Permutation Representations of Finite Groups, American Journal of Mathematics, 93 (4) (1971), 857.

[Sau14] Saunders, N., Minimal faithful permutation degrees for irreducible Coxeter groups and binary polyhedral groups, Journal of Group Theory, 17 (5) (2014), 805--832.

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